Rock Steady Boxing WTS Japan

Rock Steady Boxing(RSB) is established at Indianapolice USA in 2006. RSB gives people with Parkinson’s disease hope by improving their quality of life through a non-contact boxing based fitness curriculum. RSB WTS Japan is the first GYM in Japan to provice this great Rock Steady Boxing program.

Our Story

Rock Steady Boxing, the first boxing program of its kind in the country, was founded in 2006 by former Marion County (Indiana) Prosecutor, Scott C. Newman, who is living with Parkinson’s.


Rock Steady Boxing initially began through the friendship of two men, Scott Newman and Vince Perez, after Scott had been diagnosed with early-onset Parkinson’s at the age of 40. Refusing to let his friend go down without a fight, Vince turned to his experience as a Golden Gloves boxer to design a program that attacks Parkinson’s at its vulnerable neurological points. His intuitive insight is now proven to have merit through an increasing body of medical research.


Realizing that their experience might be replicated for others, Scott and Vince founded Rock Steady Boxing as a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization. As word of this unique program spread and the demand for the classes increased, Rock Steady Boxing created classes to meet the fitness levels at all stages of Parkinson’s – from the newly diagnosed to those who had been living with it for decades plus.


Our Mission


The mission of Rock Steady Boxing is to empower people with Parkinson’s disease to fight back.